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As Labor Day approaches, I am reminded that work provides strength, prosperity and well-being to our self-worth and to our country. In a time of such economic uncertainty, I can’t imagine how difficult it must be to find sustainable income after a catastrophic disaster like Haiti’s 2010 earthquake. What’s amazing about the human spirit is that in times of crisis, people become increasingly innovative, creative, entrepreneurial and supportive. My mind turns to Haiti this Labor Day (with the announcement of the new Macy’s Heart of Haiti 2011 Fall Collection) and the spirit of the working Haitian artisans.

Since the Haiti earthquake in 2010, it has been challenging for Haitians to make a living due to lack of raw materials, secure and sanitary conditions and funding to support the relief. With continued efforts between Macy’s and Fairwinds Trading, Haitian artisans are able to sell their artwork through Macy’s and earn much needed income to feed their families and clothe their children.

If you’ve been following our blog or Facebook Page, you may already know that Everywhere has continued its partnership with Fairwinds Trading and Macy’s and we’re revving up our social media marketing efforts to support the launch of the stunning 2011 Fall Collection available at Macy’s. The collection features beautiful hand-crafted pieces by talented artisans which include, papier-mâché, recycled steel, soap stone and woodwork.

In an ongoing social media campaign for Heart of Haiti, a fair-trade initiative supported by the Clinton Bush Haiti Fund, Everywhere joins forces with bloggers across the country to spread the social good word.

I am proud to be working today as I write this, and more proud to be working on continuous efforts to showcase these beautiful reflections of the heart of Haiti in support of “Trade Not Aid.”

How you can help?

We connect with bloggers all the time who ask how they can help. There is so much to be done in Haiti and so many non-profits and organizations doing good. Because we’re part of the communications world, we believe you can use your voice to help. If you are a blogger interested in social good, philanthropic social media, fashion for social good or simply inspired by the initiative, lend us your voice! You can amplify efforts by sharing information about Heart of Haiti’s partnership with Macy’s and letting your readers know that when they purchase something from the Heart of Haiti collection, that the sale provides lifesaving income opportunities for the artisans. We’d love for you to join the conversation with us and help tell the story of the artisans and the resilience of Haiti. We’re always happy to send you product for review and give you details about the Heart of Haiti initiative and the difference it makes. Just reach out to me,


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