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The Garnish: January 2020

The Garnish: January 2020

New decade, who dis? It’s the start of a glorious new year and we’ve got 2020 vision for #girlboss energy, impulse purchases, and kitesurfing lessons. True story.

Here’s what’s floating our boat right now in the industry of influence:

“Even though I passed the age of 30 a few years ago, I still find incredible inspiration in Forbes 30 Under 30 honorees. It’s a great reminder that being successful as an entrepreneur (or in your career in general) is anchored in one’s capacity for grit, perseverance, and ability to evolve — not just your age and experience. This honoree spotlight on Canva CEO Melanie Perkins was a great example of how you can go from living with your parents far from Silicon Valley to running one of the highest-valued, woman-founded and led startups in the world.”

Kelly Dye, VP

"We're all about #GirlBoss energy here at Everywhere, so it's only natural that we get excited when clients like Macy's show their support for small, women-owned businesses! More and more, millennial and Gen Z consumers are looking for experiential interactions with the brands they love. You can't get away with the same old stale marketing gimmicks anymore. I think we'll start to see more and more brands venture into the "pop-up" space, as well as providing customers with more unique and exciting in-store experiences!”

Sydney Clark, Account Manager

When you double-tap me like this, and I DM you like that. Celine Dion revives a classic for Instagram shopping.

“We've always believed that the less barriers you have for a consumer to take a major action (aka make a purchase) the more results you'll see. The ongoing quandary with Instagram has been that they apparently love to keep people on their app. We've been able to leverage 'swipe-ups' and paid ads to usher consumers to websites, but these things take people off the app, which can feel like a barrier and cause consumers to retreat back to their Instagram feed. Being able to shop AND pay without leaving the app is a marketers dream for a seamless consumer experience.”

Natalie Sparkman, Senior Digital Strategist

“While it may spark concern for some that Instagram user growth has slowed to single digits for the first time since the app caught traction, I don’t see any reason for worry. Instagram is the second largest social media platform in the world, following Facebook, and with over one billion active users, it only seems fitting that the number of incoming new users would begin to slow. It will be interesting to see if the user demographic on Instagram begins to age with the app, just like it did with Facebook, and how that will inform the evolution of content and engagement.”

Annabelle Shea, Account Coordinator/Content Strategist

“Instagram has consistently been the most popular platform among millennials and the strongest in generating engagement for brands, so it’s interesting to see how it’s stacking up against newer platforms like TikTok. Despite the slow growth on the platform, Instagram ads are projected to be more profitable in 2020 and we find this reassuring as we’re constantly developing our methods for attributing influencer efforts and paid social to sales growth for our clients. It’s exciting to monitor TikTok’s power play in consumer behavior, especially as Everywhere Agency is exploring strategies for best implementing the platform in client campaigns.”

Maya DeJoie, Account Manager

Want to chat more about the biggest changes affecting the influencer marketing industry today? Reach out to us!

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