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How to Get Paid Blogging for Brands

How to Get Paid Blogging for Brands


So, you recently started blogging to express your point of view and passion for writing. That’s great! Of course, you’re probably wondering, “How do I make money from this thing?” The good news is bloggers and influencers – people with impressive social followings – have become one of the most sought after marketing tactics in recent years.

There are plenty of paid blogging opportunities out there – the trick is finding them. It’s important that you know how to make yourself attractive to potential brand partners so you, too, can ride the lucrative wave of influencer marketing.

Here are 6 steps to making sure your blog is set up for sponsored content opportunities:

  1. Pick a topic you’re fond of: Once you’ve decided on an overarching topic for your blog, you’ll have a better understanding of what types of collaborations will be a genuine fit for your site. Brands are looking for influencers with a specific audience of readers that aligns with their demographic. For example, a brand will most likely not reach out to a fashion blogger about home improvement. They’re more likely to go with someone whose voice is clearly defined than someone who writes about every random thing that crosses their mind.
  2. Make your social channels easy to find: If you’re claiming to be an influencer, you’ll need to prove it! Having your social media channels on your homepage makes it that much easier for marketers to see what kind of content you produce across different platforms and how your audience connects with you. As an influencer marketing manager, I work with bloggers everyday here at Everywhere and can tell you firsthand that if I can’t easily find your social media channels, you’ve already lost my attention. The more ways you can be found, the more opportunities you’ll have for sponsored posts.
  1. Show Your Strengths: Having an established audience is definitely a key factor to securing brand collaborations. Building your following takes time, but you should know that UMVs (unique monthly visitors, for those new to the blogging party) are not the end-all, be-all when it comes to brand partnership. Have a dedicated Twitter following that retweets your every thought? Do all of your beautifully photographed Instagram posts get great engagement? Draw attention to what you do best.
  1. Answer your emails: I can’t stress this step enough. If you’re not constantly checking your emails, how will you ever know which brands are reaching out? Once you’ve engaged in a conversation, keep on top of it! Campaign timelines are often tight, and if you aren’t responsive, then we’ll be forced to move on to our next choice. This happens far too often. If you’re serious about making money from blogging, you need to be serious about keeping your inbox in check.
  1. Get face time with brands: There are plenty of conferences you can attend where brands are lined up and eager to meet influencers. Make sure you bring your business card and smile. It’s also import that you initiate conversations with brand representatives. This is your chance to tell them about your blog, why it matters, and where you see opportunities to collaborate. Think of this more as a connection opportunity – not a sales call.
  1. Join networks and foster relationships: Networks like Everywhere Society offer one-stop shops for getting paid. We corral all our brand opportunities and share them with influencers via email a couple of times each month. Each influencer network has relationships with different brands, so it makes sense to join several networks. At Everywhere, we pride ourselves on the relationships we’ve fostered with many of the influencers we’ve met and worked with. In fact, these relationships are sometimes the extra “push” for a blogger to be selected for certain campaigns! Take any chance you can to meet new people and make new friends – especially those that can prove to be mutually beneficial.

There are so many perks to blogging – the ability to share your story and connect with people around the world, for one – but getting paid is always a perk! If you position your blog properly, there’s no doubt that opportunities will come your way. Just remember, find a topic where your passion lies, be accessible, and put yourself out there!

One Comment

  • This was very informative for me, and my platform. I am very eager to begin to work with brands. I find myself always reading upon more knowledge so that I am well informed on what I need to actively be doing. Articles of this magnitude get me very excited about the possibilities of the future of my blog. This was well written thank you for helping. Very happy to be apart of the Everywhere Agency!!!!


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