The Grand Reveal: Everywhere’s New Office!
The Grand Reveal: Everywhere’s New Office!
We’ve often joked that Everywhere Agency operates like a 10-year old start-up. We say that because we are resourceful, nimble, and in an industry that is constantly evolving and keeping us on our toes. However, our start-up is certainly growing up! We’ve steadily rode the rising tide of influencer marketing as it’s become the tsunami that it is today – resulting in some significant growth over the last few years. We’ve been in our suite of offices in the Old Fourth Ward area of Atlanta since 2010. We watched the BeltLine come up around us, along with amazing restaurants and more developments than we could have ever imagined when we first moved into our eclectic neighborhood. When you land in the ideal spot, you want to stay there forever. As we grew, we squeezed one extra desk here, added another chair there – until we just couldn’t anymore. Though we pride ourselves on our collaborative nature, being stacked on top of one another like sardines in a tin does not enhance teamwork. For an agency like Everywhere, where culture helps define our success, finding a new space was about more than getting the square footage right. Our company, like our neighborhood, has evolved and grown ready to rival many of our big-name competition, but underneath we are still that eclectic, creative agency hardwired with grit and potential. We needed to find just the right office or building, with the right vibe, and ideally a layout that allowed room for more growth. We’ve often heard that the stage of growth we’re in as a company – the leap from 15 to 25 employees – is one of the most difficult. More people means more resources, more education, more personalities, and less direct contact with a CEO who is used to touching everything before it goes out the door. Would we be keeping our open floor plan? Would we invest in cubicles? (Gasp!) But most importantly, would we be able to recreate a space that aligned with our company culture of collaboration, hard work, and not taking it all too seriously? We were about to throw in the towel on finding the perfect office and either move to the Hinterlands or adapt to life as sardines – and then providence prevailed. A huge, loft-like space opened up in our same building, Inman Alley. We would be able to stay near our roots, while also trading up on the square footage, outdoor space, natural light, and additional conference rooms. After the painting, the construction, and the cleaning, we’ve transformed our new space into the start of something really special – the unbelievably bright future of our no longer start-up company. We remain happily stationed at 154 Krog Street, but in a new suite with room to grow. Next time you’re biking, walking, or scooting down the Atlanta BeltLine, come visit!
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